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Visita Treuhand AG successfully certified

by | 22.10.2024 | Certification | 0 comments

Visita Zertifikat

At the beginning of October 2024, krm was able to successfully certify Visita Treuhand AG, Abacus Bronze Partner. Visita Treuhand AG has been supporting companies in the areas of financial and tax management as well as corporate management and monitoring for over 40 years. Visita received the certification number 2024-018. Further information can be found at: www.visita.ch. It is the first fiduciary company to be certified by the krm.

Test procedure

Visita wanted to know from krm whether its bookkeeping, including all relevant accounting documents, can be managed completely electronically. The audit therefore dealt with the replacement scanning of documents, their electronic archiving and the destruction of the original documents. The processes, infrastructure and systems involved were examined for legal compliance with the Business Records Ordinance (GeBüV). The results of the pre-audit, workshops, review of internal directives and procedural documentation and intensive exchanges were recorded and assessed using 16 established categories. Where necessary, processes were refined, individual steps were secured with digital signatures and deletion procedures were clarified so that paper filing is a thing of the past. In conclusion, it can be said that Visita has taken the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure that the electronic archiving of its business records is secure and legally compliant.

“We can talk a lot about digitization. With GeBüV certification, we can now keep our business records completely digitally in a legally compliant manner. krm impressed us with its expertise and comprehensive specialist knowledge and was a pleasant partner for us at all times” Daniel Lack, Partner at Visita Treuhand AG

About the KRM certification scheme:

Since 2017, krm has offered independent certification for digital solutions such as scanning and ERP systems, accounting software and electronic archives. In addition to the Business Records Ordinance, the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO) and the Federal Act on Value Added Tax (VAT Act, VATA) also form an important basis for legally compliant processing and electronic archiving. At the heart of krm certification is the question of whether the solution used and the procedures applied are configured in accordance with the legal provisions. This check is becoming increasingly important, as software providers offer a wide range of tools and it is often difficult for users to use or configure them correctly. However, software providers often do not take responsibility for the correct configuration and leave it up to the customer to decide whether their procedure actually meets the legal requirements. You can find a selection of certified users and products here. If you are interested in having your implementation checked as well, please contact us for a non-binding offer. Daniel Spichty / Dominik Sievi



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